Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Unloved Krosmasters #1

Here’s our first installment of Unloved Krosmasters: the section of this blog that talks about some of the less used Krosmasters that might make you look at them differently.

The first Unloved Krosmaster that we’re going to talk about is Victor Don Voom.
At a first glance, he is quick with 9 initiative and 4 movement.
He also has an average amount of health at 14 hit points.
Lastly, he has 6 action points which seems low in comparison to other level 5 Krosmasters in the game.
This could make it potentially difficult when playing against Krosmasters like Nox and Raul Bak, who remove AP from enemies.

He has Critical Hit, Lock, and his special power called Speedy Aura that gives whatever allied Krosmaster that he ends his turn next to +1 mp.
With a higher initiative, this can be beneficial for many of the Krosmasters that we play with since the vast majority have 9 or less initiative.
This would make it so those Krosmasters can use the extra mp the same turn they receive it since they haven’t yet had their activation phases.
This makes planning your turn potentially easier than if he would give the bonus for the following turn.
The added mp to allies is especially interesting when thinking about the different combinations of Krosmasters that Victor Don Voom could be used with.

As far as the spells that Victor Don Voom has, he is an average hitter with how much damage he can do every turn.
His earth damage (green) spell named, ‘Apathy’ costs 4 action points to cast, has an adjustable (green) range of 2-5 in any direction, and does 1 base earth damage.
In addition to the 1 base damage, he also reduces the movement of his target by -1 when he attacks with this spell.
With this spell, you can only attack with it once with the amount of action points Victor Don Voom has but luckily he has his other attack that he could potentially do also.

His other attack is an air damage (purple) spell named, ‘Furia’ which costs 2 action points to cast, has adjustable (green) range of 1-2 that you need to be in a straight line to target, and does 1 base air damage.
In addition to the 1 base air damage, the Furia spell has an additional effect where Victor Don Voom is moved one cell closer to the character he targets.
Since it pulls you closer, I would suggest, if you want to do both Apathy and Furia, that you be mindful and consider doing Apathy first since casting Furia will bring you potentially too close to use Apathy, since you have to be at least 2 cells away for Apathy.
If you are closer and don’t want to decrease the movement points of the character you are targeting, then Furia might be the best option since you can attack with this spell 3 times since it only costs 6 action points.
That means a potential 6 damage when attacking with this spell, especially since you have critical hit.

His favorite things:

Aero Boost/Buff: Whether an extra 2 damage for his Furia attack spell or just 1 per attack, you can't go wrong with these. 

Terra Boost/Buff: Same goes with the extra damage with his Apathy attack spell. 

Masqueraider Style: Getting that extra 3 AP would be potentially killer with him, especially with some of the friends he runs with who give him extra AP. It's also never bad to have an opportunity to heal a little bit when in need too.

Xelor Style: Two more Furia attacks, yes please!!! 

Sacrier Style: With 14 HP, if he doesn't have any damage markers on him, this could make him very deadly. 

Stasis Crystal: Being able to do potentially 12 damage in a single turn is literally killer. Get this if you're able to because if you don't, your opponent definitely will.  

Prespic Set: With how close Victor has to get to other characters, having counter and extra HP would be really awesome. 

Ochre Dofus: Extra AP is really awesome for Victor since he has that 2AP cost attack. 

Treechnid Set: With 4 MP already, being able to lose one doesn't hurt him too much since he gets that extra +5 HP and extra +2 AP. 

Victor’s best friends:

-Ally McZeal: Her getting an extra MP and Victor getting an extra AP when these two get close is awesome. Making it so he can grab some kama while still being able to attack multiple times is really advantageous. 

-Henual: That extra 2 AP is really wonderful for Victor, especially if Henual can get that extra MP to keep up with Victor for the next turn. 

-Malee Buhrum: Even though running these two together would make it hard with so few numbers, being able to remove any –AP, -MP, or –Range markers from Victor is a great thing. Plus, the combos that are left with those 2 character points left for team design isn’t too bad. (especially with the next friend)

-Phaeris: Phaeris is everyone’s best friend. You can’t ever be made at him for taking some of the heat off of you when it’s really necessary. If you’re running with Malee Buhrum and Victor Don Voom, having Phaeris there to control the board a little bit is really great. Say if Malee goes one turn and tosses an enemy back towards Victor for the next turn, being able to move Phaeris adjacent to the enemy would make it a lot better for the next turn so your heavy hitters don’t get hurt too bad. 

-Lou: Lou, like Henual, can be everyone’s best friend since she gives her targets +1MP and +2 AP. 

-Otomai: If giving your opponent -1MP is part of your purpose in life like it is for Victor, being able to increase that hurt is really great. It’s hard to run a 3 character team but the control that these characters have is a lot of fun. 

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